Process & Expertise

Search and Recruiting Solutions to match your needs.

At Frank AGI we understand that each search is unique and that every business need is different. Collaboration, understanding, and knowledge are the hallmarks of our process.


We Listen

From the outset of each search, our goal is to understand your organization and the unique requirements of each recruiting assignment.


We Research

Each search we conduct begins with a foundational strategy that includes a competitive landscape and understanding of access for recruiting the ideal candidate. We combine systematic research, established relationships, and extensive networks with industry expertise to develop our recruiting roadmap.


We Recruit

This is where we shine. We listen, we research, and we excel in identifying, engaging, motivating, and qualifying your next hire. All candidates are thoroughly interviewed to ensure that the candidates we present match your qualifications, organizational culture, current and long-term objectives, and overall business goals. Every candidate recommendation is selected after a thorough interview and a comprehensive assessment. This is where our process meets our industry experience and our gifted intuition.


We Introduce

It’s time to make some tough decisions. Because we’ve done such a great job in our recruiting effort, this is where you deliberate in meetings after your interviews to discuss which one of the three perfect candidates we’ve introduced to you will be your next hire, and for which candidates you will be creating positions (it’s happened).

You Succeed

At the time you are ready to make a final selection, we work within the framework of your approach while providing you guidance to specific to each candidate to ensure a successful hire specific and onboarding process. Conclusion—a thrilled candidate and a satisfied client looking expectantly toward the future. Congratulations!

Our process of candidate discovery involves the fit and fabric versus functional and transactional hiring.

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